Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Why Recovery is Important

Did you know that sore, swollen feeling you get in your muscles after a tough workout isn’t all that bad?  In fact, muscle inflammation after a tough workout is actually a gift! That achy feeling is the body’s way of telling us that it’s time to chill out and let it heal so that it can make us stronger.

Inflammation is Good?
Most of us hear the word inflammation and think of ice packs and sprained ankles.  That’s one part of inflammation, but did you know that inflammation is also your body’s way of telling you to slow down and let it heal so that it can make you stronger? The trick is finding the right balance – you need enough inflammation to make your body fitter and stronger and help it recover, but not so much that it slows down your body’s natural repair process.

How Does Inflammation Work?
Inflammation works by expanding the blood vessels leading to the injured area and sealing off the blood vessels leading away from the injured area. The body then sends in an extra dose of cytokines and white blood cells, which work to repair and rebuild the injured muscles and ligaments. This process occurs each time your body is working to rid itself of any injury or illness.

Oftentimes, you won’t even notice the inflammation that happens after a workout. After an intense workout, you’ll have a varying degree of microtraumas (small injuries) to the body that trigger the release of cytokines and rebuilding of the soft tissues to be even stronger. This is what leads to improved strength and fitness! An added bonus: as you get stronger, your body’s ability to repair itself increases, which means faster recovery times.

The Challenge
The challenge is: knowing your limits. It’s important to be aware of your most vulnerable spots and know how to protect them. Recurring muscles soreness that is of a chronic level should be reviewed by a doctor, trainer, or physical therapist.

So What Happens If I Overdo It?
Let’s say you decide you REALLY want great abs, and instead of following Tony Horton’s instructions to do the P90X Ab Ripper X CD every-other-day, you do it every day. Here’s what could happen – after the first day, your abs are tired and it hurts to laugh. Your body begins to repair and rebuild the muscles. But if you do the DVD again too soon, you add more swelling to the already inflamed area, and eventually your body can’t keep up! Excessive inflammation like this can be serious – for example, excessive inflammation in the lungs can lead to asthma, and in the intestines can lead to colitis.

Finding the Balance
The end-goal is to establish a careful balance of exercise and recovery.  For example, if you’re training for a marathon, it’s a good idea to swap one or two of your workouts with something like swimming or cycling to give your muscles a break. Resting doesn’t have to mean sitting on the couch, it just means training opposing muscles on different days.

The Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Additionally, your diet can play a role in how fast your body recovers. Research suggests that the best supplements to reduce inflammation contain fish oil with combined amounts of EPA and DHA greater than 600 mg per capsule. Tuna, salmon, carrots, and dark leafy greens also contain antioxidants that can fight inflammation.

Need help finding a workout program that will help boost your results? No matter where you are in your fitness journey, I'm here to help you reach your fitness and fat loss goals. Email me today to get started on a fitness program that will quickly and permanently transform your body.

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