Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Why Your Scale Won't Budge

I often get this question: "Rachel - I workout every day, I'm eating healthy, why haven't I lost a single pound?" My first response... "how are your measurements?"

You've probably heard that muscle weighs more than fat, but I think that a picture speaks volumes. This is a picture of muscle compared to fat - see how much tighter, smaller, and leaner the muscle is?

The same works with your body! That's why measurements are a much better indicator of where you are getting with your fitness - they help make sure that you are losing inches, getting smaller, and getting tighter.  So the scale is fine, it can be part of how you track your progress, but you've GOT to be measuring those inches as well!

If your scale isn't budging AND your measurements aren't changing, then here are a few things to check.

#1 - You're Eating Too Many Bad Calories.
Not all calories are created equal. Yes, there is some truth to calories in, calories out, but the TYPE of calories you eat also matters. 150 calories of ice cream is going to affect your body very differently than 150 calories of salad. It's just the truth.

Did you know diet foods can also be bad for you? I know it's tempting to fall into the trap of purchasing foods that claim to help dieters, but many of these 'diet' foods have been highly processed and contain potentially harmful chemicals and artificial sweeteners that can actually confuse your hormones and promote fat storage. Processed carbs do not belong in a fat loss diet. Blood sugar and insulin levels respond the same way to all processed carbs, whether you're eating Special K or a Twinkie!

The best diet strategy is to stick with real, fresh, whole foods and steer clear of anything fake or processed.

#2 - You're Not Getting Enough Sleep
Sleep patterns have a significant impact on  your hormone levels, and hormones are a big factor when it comes to losing fat. Be sure to get a full eight hours of sleep at night to boost your fitness results.

#3 - You're Doing Too Much Cardio
Yes, cardio is good. Yes, you need to be doing it. But, if you're doing hours of steady-state cardio, it's going to end up working against your fat-loss efforts. Too much cardio promotes the release of stress hormones in your body, which counteracts your ability to lose fat. Contact me about designing your ideal exercise routine for maximum fat loss.

#4 - You're Not Eating Enough Calories
Be careful with this one, as it only happens in cases of severe calorie restriction. When you're trying to drop a few pounds by eating next to nothing, it actually counteracts your efforts. There is a base number of calories that your body needs to function, and when it doesn't get these calories, it can actually begin storing the food you are eating as fat! If you are restricting your calories and aren't seeing results, check with your doctor or nutritionist to make sure you are eating enough.

#5 - You Have an Undiagnosed Medical Condition
If you are eating like a saint (you've checked your portions) and are working out like a champ (your heart rate is up) and you still aren't seeing any results, you may have an undiagnosed medical condition (such as hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, PCOS, etc).  Some medications can also cause weight gain. If you know you're doing everything you possibly can and you still aren't seeing results, it's probably time to schedule an appointment with a medical professional.

No matter where you are in your fitness journey, I'm here to help you reach your fitness and fat loss goals. Email me today to get started on a fitness program that will quickly and permanently transform your body.

Don't wait another week, another day, or even another hour to take action. I'm here now, and I'm ready and excited to see you through your goals. Let's do this!

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