Monday, March 25, 2013

My Food: Balsamic Chicken Pasta

I tried this recipe for the first time last night.  I found a similar recipe on a friend’s blog but made a few modifications to it.  It is super-filling (we couldn’t finish our bowls).

Yields: 4 servings

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
¾  package whole wheat penne pasta
1 package (8 oz) fresh sliced mushrooms
1 package (8 oz) fresh cherry or grape tomatoes
Feta or parmesan cheese
Cavender’s Greek seasoning
¼ bottle Kraft Light Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing
1 package Steamers frozen vegetables (broccoli & cauliflower mix or your favorite)

(Note: I perform the first three steps at the exact same time using three different pans, which takes about 10-15 minutes total)

1. Cut chicken breasts into 1" sqaures and cook on medium heat in a large skil­let. Sea­son lightly with Cavender’s Greek sea­son­ing.

2. Combine mush­rooms, toma­toes, a light coating of vinai­grette dress­ing (I use about ¼ of the bottle) in a large skil­let. Season lightly with Cavender’s Greek seasoning.  Cook on low to medium heat until veg­gies are ten­der.

3. Cook pasta to pack­age direc­tions.

4. Cook steamed vegetables according to package directions and sprinkle lightly with Cavender’s Greek Seasoning.

5. Divide pasta, chicken, and tomato/mushroom mix among four bowls. Sprinkle feta or parmesan cheese on each bowl.  Serve with a side of steamed vegetables.

Note: we forgot about the cheese last night and the recipe was great without it.

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