Monday, April 29, 2013

New Move Monday: The Wall Sit

Each Monday, I will be featuring a "New Move" on my blog. Sometimes this will be a new spin on an old move, and other times we will focus on form.

Today’s new move: THE WALL SIT

For a great leg workout, do a wall sit!

I remember doing these in elementary school gym class – little did I know back then the power they would have to shape and tone my quads. To make sure your form is correct, slowly slide your back down a wall until your thighs are parallel to the ground (like you are sitting in an imaginary chair). Make sure your knees are directly above the ankles (you don’t want the pressure to be in your knees) and keep your back straight.

Place your hands on top of your head or hold them out in front to add a little work for your shoulders. But whatever you do, don't cheat and rest them on your thighs!

Go for 60 seconds per set (or however long it takes to turn those legs to jelly!). I like to set a timer and wait for it to beep.

Need more fire? Try these ideas:

(1)   Add some bicep curls.

(2)   To target your adductors (located in the inner thigh), place a medium-sized ball between your knees and squeeze in while you hold the wall sit position.

(3)   Repeat the exercise at different angles. For example, only drop a couple of inches down the first set. When you repeat it, lower yourself a few inches more.

(4)   Alternate 15 seconds each lifting one of your legs parallel to the ground (eg. Right leg bent, left leg straight out, then switch).

*Note: this is NOT a good move for someone with existing knee problems.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

My Food: Clean Eating Chips And Guacamole

Another great recipe from The Gracious Pantry!
Yields: 6 servings

Guacamole Ingredients:
4 ripe avocados 
Juice of 1 lemon or lime 
1 tablespoon garlic powder 
1 tablespoon onion powder 
1/2 teaspoon salt

Tortilla Chip Ingredients:
1 package corn tortillas (Traders Joe’s Corn Tortillas are the cleanest) (Please check the ingredients on the tortillas you buy. Not all tortillas are created equal!) 
1/2 teaspoon salt 
1 tablespoon garlic powder 
Lemon juice (at least 2 lemons worth if you like “zing” on your chips) 
1 teaspoon olive oil

1. Remove skins, and place avocados in a large mixing bowl, along with all other ingredients.
2. Mash all ingredients together until you reach your desired consistency.
3. Take one bag of small corn tortillas and cut them into 4ths or 8ths.

4. Cover a cookie sheet with a VERY light spray of olive oil.
5. Lay out your tortilla pieces so that none of them cover each other.
6. Spray your tortilla pieces with a VERY light spray of olive oil.
7. Sprinkle with lemon (or lime) juice, garlic and salt.
8. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees F. until crispy (About 15-25 minutes, depending on your oven).

Monday, April 22, 2013

New Move Monday: The Plank

Planking has been trendy recently, but I’ve seen so many people post pictures of “planking” with terrible form!  Done correctly, this is one of the best core exercises you can do.

Notice I said core exercise – this is not just an exercise to work your abs. The plank works your entire core: abs, obliques, hips, and the transverse abdominis (the deepest of the abdominal muscles that wraps around your spine for protection and stability).

The best thing about the plank – it can be done anywhere, requires no equipment, and involves no movement! BUT – it’s not as easy as it looks…

How to Plank:

1. Get into a pushup position, but place your elbows on the ground instead of your hands.

2. Keep your body as straight as possible from your head to your toes (Imagine a table laying across your back).

3. Pull your abs in towards your spine as if you were bracing for a punch to the stomach.

4. Be sure to breathe normally and hold this position for as long as you can.

Additional tip... Don't let your back sink down, and if it does, stop immediately. Similarly, don’t let your rear fly up in the air.

Depending on your current core strength, you may only be able to hold perfect form for about 10-15 seconds at a time. Try to increase the time by 5-10 seconds with each workout. (I set a stopwatch when I do this strength-training exercise to keep track of how long I am able to hold it). As your core gets stronger, you will be able to push through longer and longer.

Monday, April 15, 2013

New Move Monday: Knee Drops (Stretch)

If you have a tight lower back and you haven't tried this stretch, this might be a treat for you. Similar to the spinal twist, knee drops involve rotating the torso and dropping the knees to the floor, allowing you to stretch the lower back as well as the glutes, shoulders and chest. The weight of your knees helps increase the stretch.
Do it right: Bring the knees up and bend them to 90 degrees, shins parallel to the floor and arms out to the sides. Contract the abs and rotate the torso to lower the legs to the right, bringing them down to the floor. Keep the left shoulder flat on the floor and release any tension in your waist and back. Hold the stretch for about 5 breaths, bring the knees back to center and repeat on the other side.
To get the most out of this stretch, try keeping both shoulders pressed into the floor and focus on lengthening through the waist. If you can't bring the knees to down without the opposite shoulder coming off the floor, stay with the spinal twist.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

My Food: Chicken Stir-fry With Peanut Sauce Over Rice

I really like this stir-fry recipe.  It’s easy to make and uses mostly “clean” ingredients. I got this recipe from self.comI know you’ll enjoy it too!

Yields: 2 servings

Vegetable-oil cooking spray
6 oz boneless, skinless chicken breast, sliced
1 teaspoon sesame oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger
3 ½ cups of your favorite vegetables, chopped

Peanut sauce:
1 ½ tablespoons peanut butter
1 teaspoon low-sodium soy sauce
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
Hot chile sauce (to taste)

For the stir-fry:
1. Coat a nonstick pan with cooking spray
2. Sauté chicken over medium-high heat until cooked through. Remove from pan.
3. Add oil and sauté garlic and ginger until garlic is golden.
4. Add vegetables; cook until tender.
5. Return chicken to pan; stir-fry 3 minutes.

For the peanut sauce:
1. Whisk 1 1/2 tbsp hot (not boiling) tap water into peanut butter to blend.
2. Add soy sauce, vinegar, and hot sauce and mix.
3. Divide stir-fry and sauce onto 2 plates.
4. Serve each over 3/4 cup brown rice.

Monday, April 8, 2013

New Move Monday: Dumbbell Step Up

I love compound exercises! The more muscles you work, the more calories you burn, and compound exercises allow me to get in and out of the gym faster.
This Monday’s new move: the Dumbbell Step Up.  This exercise works multiple muscles (strength benefits) and gets your heart rate up (cardiovascular benefits)!
Tips: The first time you attempt this move, try it without weights, at a slower pace, and with a small bench/platform. As you get stronger, add weight and/or raise the bench and/or increase your speed. There's always a way to challenge yourself with this exercise - no matter how strong you are.
Hold one dumbbell in each hand, by your sides. Step up onto a flat bench with your left leg. Then, step up with your right leg to stand on the bench. Step down with your left leg, then your right leg. Repeat 12 to 15 times, then step up with your right leg first for 12-15 reps on that side.
If you are an advanced athlete, you can add a glute lift by stepping on the bench with your left leg and kicking the right leg back instead of stepping on the step with your right leg for each of the reps listed above.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Faith: How I Study the Bible

The most important thing in my life is my relationship with Jesus Christ.  That relationship is personal, it is real, and it is constantly growing.  I spend time every morning reading God’s word and in prayer.  This year, I am reading the Bible through chronologically. When I read, here are a few steps I take to make sure that I understand what I am reading and to help me draw near to God.

1.   The first thing I do is spend time in prayer – asking God to speak to me through His word.

2.   The second thing I do is read the text, and as I read, I pause, trying to discern what God is teaching me through the passage I am reading.

3.   The third thing I do is ask questions: Who is speaking in this passage? Who was the original audience? What does this passage tell me about God? What does it tell me about God’s will for my life? What is the main point of this passage?  If I’m not sure of the answers to some of these questions, I try and look them up or ask trusted resources like my husband (who is a minister).,, and are all great resources.

4.   The fourth thing I do is pick the verses that stood out to me the most. I try and spend a few minutes thinking about these verses, meditating on them.

5.   The last thing I do is pray again. This time, I talk to God about what I read and ask Him to continue to speak to me throughout the day about what I read.  I close by spending time talking to God about other things that have been on my mind, using my Prayer Calendar (see related blog post) as a guide. 

If you are having a difficult time staying accountable to reading God’s word, I’d love to hear your story and keep you accountable.  Contact me using the tab at the top of this page, and I’ll connect you with my next 30-day Bible reading challenge group. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Food: Mediterranean Mango Chicken

I love this crock pot recipe… it takes only 4 hours to make, and it can be paired with rice, salad, or just about anything.

3 large boneless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces
2 large mangos, cut into cubes
1 red bell pepper, sliced
1.5 cups Kraft Fat Free Italian dressing
Hummus (2 tbsp per serving)
Greens or Whole Wheat Wraps or Whole Wheat Bread or Brown Rice

1. Slice chicken, mangos, and bell pepper.
2. Put chicken, mangos, red pepper and Italian dressing in the crock pot, and cook on high for 4 hours (Make sure chicken is tender and cooked all the way through.)
3. Remove from crock pot, and allow to cool for 15–20 minutes.
4. Remove each serving individually, mix with 2 tbsp of hummus, and your meal is complete!

Serving suggestions: 1) Serve over greens for a no-dressing necessary salad. 2) Place in a whole wheat wrap or between whole wheat bread for an awesome wrap/sandwich. 3) Serve over brown rice for a heartier creation.