1. The
first thing I do is spend time in prayer – asking God to speak to me through
His word.
2. The
second thing I do is read the text, and as I read, I pause, trying to discern
what God is teaching me through the passage I am reading.
3. The
third thing I do is ask questions: Who is speaking in this passage? Who was the
original audience? What does this passage tell me about God? What does it tell
me about God’s will for my life? What is the main point of this passage? If I’m not sure of the answers to some of these
questions, I try and look them up or ask trusted resources like my husband (who is a minister). Bible.cc, biblos.com, and biblegateway.com are all great resources.
4. The
fourth thing I do is pick the verses that stood out to me the most. I try and
spend a few minutes thinking about these verses, meditating on them.
5. The
last thing I do is pray again. This time, I talk to God about what I read and ask Him to
continue to speak to me throughout the day about what I read. I close by spending time talking to God about
other things that have been on my mind, using my Prayer Calendar (see related blog post) as a guide.
If you are having a difficult time staying
accountable to reading God’s word, I’d love to hear your story and keep you
accountable. Contact me using the tab at
the top of this page, and I’ll connect you with my next 30-day Bible reading challenge
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