Monday, May 20, 2013

New Move Monday: Arm workout

It's almost summer, and tank-top season is quickly approaching!  Here's a 3-part arm workout that will strengthen your biceps, triceps, and shoulders and help you get tanktop ready!
(1)    Lateral shoulder raise (shoulders):  This is an isolation exercise, so focus on stretch and muscle contraction, not heaviness of weights. 
  • To perform this move, start by standing straight up, feet slightly wider than hip-width apart (knees slightly bent) or in a split-stance position, with the weights at your side. Your palms should be facing your body.
  • SLOWLY raise your arms shoulder level, approximately parallel to the floor.  (Do not let the wrists go above the elbows, and do not bring the weights higher than your shoulders).
  • Lower the weights back to starting position (do not let the weights touch your body).  Your weights should come up to your shoulders but not higher.
  • Perform 12-15 reps

(2)    Tricep extensions (triceps): This is another isolation exercise, so again focus on stretch and muscle contraction.

  • To perform this move, start by standing straight up, feet slightly wider than hip-width apart (knees slightly bent) or in a split-stance position, with both hands wrapped around the handle of a single weight (hands above head, arms vertical to the floor, elbows facing forward but not locked).
  • Keeping your upper arms in the same position (vertical to the floor), SLOWLY bend your elbows, lowering the weight behind your head, until your elbows are at 90 degrees.  (Do not change the position of the rest of your body, and do not make contact with the back of your head). The elbows should stay in toward your ears
  • Return to the starting position by slowly pressing the weight overhead until your arms are again vertical to the floor, elbows facing forward but not locked.
  • Perform 12-15 reps

(3)    Bicep hammer curls (biceps & forearms): The benefit to this exercise vs. a regular curl is that it keeps you in a neutral wrist position, keeping the tension on the biceps.

  • To perform this move, start by standing straight up, feet slightly wider than hip-width apart (knees slightly bent) or in a split-stance position, with the weights at your side. Your palms should be facing eachother (toward your body).
  • SLOWLY squeeze the biceps to curl the weights toward the shoulders. (Keep the elbows locked in at your sides). Raise the weights until the forearms are vertical to the floor and the thumbs are facing the shoulder (Don’t lean back!)
  • Lower to the starting position, keeping a slight bend in the elbow at the bottom.
  • Note: you can do these using both arms at the same time, or one at a time.
  • Perform 12-15 reps

Repeat this entire routine 3-5 times.


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