Monday, June 10, 2013

New Move Monday: The Triangle


The triangle pose is one of the best poses that you can do for balance, flexibility, and strength, but it is also one of the most abused poses for form and alignment.

When you’re doing the triangle pose, focus on keeping your shoulders in the same line as your hips.  Common mistakes include sitting back or pushing back the hips to try and reach lower on the leg or floor.

To perform this pose:

1. Start with your legs about three-feet apart, shoulders upright over the hips, and arms out to your side (like a T, palms pointing down).

2. Slide your back hip up so that the front crest of the pelvis is lower than the back crest of the pelvis (think “sexy picture” pose).  Keep the spine long and both sides of the torso equal length. 

3. Extend your body over the lead leg, allowing your lower hand to float towards your thigh, shin, or the floor (depending on your current level of flexibility).  The opposite hand should reach up toward the sky, maintaining the arms in the T position.

To make sure you are doing this correctly, take a peek over the bottom shoulder to your rear end. If you can clearly see it, you are most likely pushing your hips back too far and are not in line with the chest and shoulders.  Come up higher in your support (to the shin or thigh).

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